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Can Malik Willis Secure the Titans’ Backup QB Spot? A Deep Dive into His Preseason Performance

In our latest episode of the Titans Colosseum Podcast, one topic that really got us talking was the performance of Malik Willis during the preseason. As a Titans fan, it’s tough not to root for Malik—he’s got the athleticism and the raw talent that made him such an intriguing prospect. But after watching him in the recent games, it’s clear that there are still significant hurdles he needs to overcome if he’s going to secure the backup quarterback position.

Progress, But Still a Work in Progress

Let’s start with the positives. There’s no denying that Malik has shown improvement from last season. He looks more confident in the pocket, and his decision-making has, at times, been quicker. However, the inconsistencies are still glaring. Against the Seattle Seahawks, Malik completed 12 of 16 passes for 116 yards, but it was his missed opportunities that stood out. The most notable was a missed throw to Nick Westbrook-Ikhine (NWI), who was wide open in the middle of the field—a play that should have been an easy first down, if not more.

These kinds of mistakes aren’t just frustrating; they’re costly. In the NFL, particularly in a tight game, you can’t afford to leave points on the field, and that’s exactly what happened with some of Malik’s errant throws. His accuracy and decision-making under pressure continue to be concerns, raising questions about whether he’s truly ready to be the number two quarterback behind Ryan Tannehill.

Mason Rudolph: The Steady Hand

On the other side of the battle, Mason Rudolph has quietly made a case for himself. While not as flashy as Malik, Mason has shown a level of poise and consistency that the coaching staff values. His ability to manage the game, make smart decisions, and avoid costly mistakes is exactly what you want in a backup quarterback. In the same game against Seattle, Rudolph completed 10 of 17 passes for 125 yards and a touchdown. His performance may not have been spectacular, but it was steady—a quality that could earn him the backup job.

What Does This Mean for the Titans?

The Titans are in a tough spot. On one hand, Malik’s athletic ability and potential upside are hard to ignore. He’s a dynamic player who can extend plays with his legs and make things happen out of nothing. But on the other hand, his lack of consistency and the lingering issues with accuracy and decision-making are concerning.

The reality is, the backup quarterback position is crucial. If Ryan Tannehill were to go down, the Titans need someone who can step in and keep the offense moving. Right now, it’s unclear if Malik Willis is that guy. He’s shown flashes, but in the NFL, flashes aren’t enough—you need steady, reliable play, especially in a backup role.

Final Thoughts

As the preseason progresses, the competition between Malik Willis and Mason Rudolph will continue to be a storyline to watch. Malik has the tools, but he needs to put it all together if he wants to win this battle. The coaching staff has a tough decision ahead, and the next few games will be critical in determining who gets the nod. One thing is for sure, though: the Titans’ backup quarterback situation is far from settled.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this topic and more in our upcoming articles. As always, Titan Up and let’s keep the conversation going!